Showing posts with label Interview Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview Tips. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Be A Master of Tele-Phonic Interview

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Success Keys to Tele-Phonic Interviews

Follow these simple rules to achieve success in this important phase of job-hunting..! A little wrap up on the Do's & Don'ts while on a telephonic interview.

·                     Do give accurate and detailed contact information in your cover letter so your interviewers can easily connect with you. 

·                     Do ensure that household members understand the importance of phone messages in your job search

·                     Do know what job you are interviewing for.

·                     Do practice, if possible. Have a friend call you to do a mock phone interview so you get the feel of being interviewed over the phone.

·                     Do make sure you are in a place where you can read notes, take notes, and concentrate.
 ·                     Do suggest a specific alternate time to the recruiter. If talking then is not suitable. It's often best to be the one who calls back so you can be mentally prepared.

·                     Do consider keeping some note cards or an outline in front of you to remind yourself of key points you want to cover with the interviewer. You don't want your responses to sound scripted, but you don't want to fumble for important points either.

·                     Do also have your resume in front of you so you can remember highlights of your experience and accomplishments.

·                     Do ensure that you can hear and are being clearly heard.

·                     Don't feel you have to fill in the silences. If you've completed a response, but the interviewer hasn't asked his or her next question, don't start babbling just to fill in airtime. Instead, ask a question of your own related to your last response.

·                     Do create a strong finish to your phone interview with thoughtful questions.

·                     Don't panic if you have special needs. If you are hearing-impaired, for example, phone interviews are still possible.

·                     Don't snuffle, sneeze or cough. If you can't avoid these behaviors, say "excuse me."

·                     Don't chew gum or food, or drink anything noisy.


How to Preapare for Interview

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Interview Preparation

An enticement for an interview shows that, on paper, you are the right person required by the organization for the available position. In fact, it is anticipated that 80% of candidates are rejected at the submission phase so you are really more than 03 quarters of the way towards getting the job!

Questions You Can Prepare For 

·                     Tell us about yourself
·                     Why did you choose your degree and what have you gained from it?
·                     What has been your most important achievement in life so far? Why?
·                     What are your strengths and weaknesses?
·                     Why have you applied for this job?
·                     What do you have to offer us?
·                     What are the current issues in this sector of work?
·                     What experience do you have of working in a team and what role did you play in that team?
·                     Describe a project you have successfully completed.
·                     How would your friends describe you?
·                     Describe a situation you have found difficult. How did you overcome it?
·                     What questions would you like to ask us?

There are several different types of interview/questioning procedures: -

·                     The straightforward sequential interview, where you are asked questions around your CV / Application form
·                     Measure referenced interviews, where you will be asked to give examples of how you meet their criteria e.g., examples of teamwork, negotiating, leadership
·                     The off-the-wall questions where you might be asked some bizarre questions. This is to see if you can think on the spot and how creative/logical you are.
·                     The pressurized interviews where your views will be challenged (or even ridiculed) and you might feel like you are being goaded into an argument. If this happens to you do not lose your cool, it is to test how you react under extreme pressure and to see if you can hold your own without starting a fight or being reduced to tears. 

Superior organizations will have interviewers who are often personnel professionals, or who are trained and experienced interviewers, so expect the interview to be very structured to obtain the maximum from you. 

In smaller firms you are more likely to be interviewed by a partner who may not be a trained interviewer. For more updates visit at If you are confronted by a 'bad' interviewer you will have to work hard to use the questions as a means of conveying the points you wish to make. It can be a good idea to try to steer the conversation towards the topics you have particular strengths in, highlighting your good points.

Preparation is essential if you want to do well. Have a look at the checklist:

Stage 1 - Preparation 

·                     Re-read your resume.
·                     Prepare questions to ask and to be asked
·                     Workout clothes to wear
·                     Rehearse interview
·                     Anticipate the obvious questions during the interview
·                     Work out a strategy for dealing with stress
·                     Read vacancy details, employer's literature - what they are and what they want
·                     Know where the interview will take place 

Stage 2 - First Impressions Count

·                     Arrive in good time
·                     Make a good entrance
·                     Body language - handshake, posture, eye contact
·                     Smile

Stage 3 - The Interview 

·                     Be yourself
·                     Be honest
·                     Be prepared to talk - but not too much
·                     Don't be afraid to ask for clarification
·                     Illustrate your answers with examples
·                     Be ready to sell yourself
·                     Be interesting 

Stage 4 - The Final Stage 

·                     Know when the interview is over - read employer's body language
·                     Thank him/her for his/her time
·                     Learn from the experience - ask for feedback if necessary

Questions You May Wish To Ask

The Organization

·                     Major current projects
·                     Future developments


·                     What you would be doing
·                     How long for
·                     Typical projects/timescales
·                     Variety of work 


·                     Training offered/possible
·                     Help with professional qualifications 


·                     Who would you work with?


·                     Where would you be based?
·                     How much travel/mobility 


·                     Likely progression
·                     Where are previous graduates 

General Way of Life 

·                     Accommodation, amenities, limits on free time etc

Thursday, September 5, 2013

PHP Developer Interview Tips for Freshers | Latest Questions and Answers & FAQ

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Interview session is most challenging round after written test, group test etc. for fresher it is just like a visiting North Pole. Most of the students know the exact answer but nerves nous bind him/her to give answer & most of them are like that they don’t know about the questions and to answer of that particular question.

Developer field had a wide scope in field of software engineering. There were various languages but this language is very much popular and demanding. There are various questions related to PHP for that candidate has to make prior preparation. Some questions are listed below:

Q: What is Full form of PHP? Who is the father or inventor of PHP?
A: Father of PHP is Rasmus Lerdorg . he started development of PHP IN 1994 for their own home page. full form of PHP is Hypertext Processor.

Q: How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL?
A: We can create MySQL database with the use of mysql_create_db("Database Name").

Q: How can I execute a PHP script using command line?
A: Just run the PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) program and provide the PHP script file name as the command line argument.

Q: How can we register the variables into a session?
A: $_SESSION['name'] = "sonia";

Q: What Is a Session?
A: It can be used to store information on the server for future use.

Q: How can PHP and HTML interact?
A: It is possible to generate HTML through PHP scripts, and it is possible to pass information from HTML to PHP.

Q: How can we get second of the current time using date function?
A: $second = date("s");

Important Notice: Candidates are requested to visit our job portal to get latest & updated questions. These are some basic question related to PHP. For more hard questions keep visiting our site.